Enthusiastic and accommodating trip leader who will ensure that every need is met and that you discover the best of what Hokkaido has to offer.



Hokkaido Travel Tour Operator

Chris Bonadies is an intrepid skier and explorer, a former Aspen Skiing Company ski instructor, and a retired teacher of Business and Economics. He has been organizing and leading adventure trips for 20 years to places such as the Alps, Romania, sailing in the Channel Islands off of Santa Barbara, CA,  bike tours in Europe, safaris in Namibia, Tanzania, Botswana, Kenya, and South Africa as well as working with Teachers Across Borders in Cambodia and tutoring students in Khayelitsha township in Cape Town. Most recently he has been a volunteer for World Kitchen in Psemysl Poland on the border to Ukraine and has done relief work in Ukraine for Siobhan’s Trust. He has been leading trips to Hokkaido for 7 years. Chris is always excited to introduce his clients to the culture and history of Japan and to help them experience the awesome mountains of Hokkaido.